For participating kūpuna, CSFP provides more than just food and nourishment. It also helps to combat the poor health conditions often found in kūpuna who are at risk of hunger and experiencing food insecurity. CSFP helps vulnerable kūpuna from having to choose between food and other basic needs. The food provided in each Senior Food Box can play an important role in combatting the health consequences of senior hunger and, ultimately, can help kūpuna avoid costly hospitalizations and nursing home placements.
Senior Food Boxes are specifically designed to supplement needed sources of nutrients typically lacking in participants’ diets. Boxes include foods such as cereal, juice, protein, milk, peanut butter, dry beans, potatoes, grains, rice, cheese, fruit, vegetables and more.
Volunteers will help us pack boxes of shelf-stable food for thousands of senior citizens on O`ahu and Kaua`i.
2611 Kilihau Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819, United States