Well Fed Ohana

Well Fed Ohana

Bruce Campbell

41-539 Makakalo Street
Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795






Volunteers Needed

About Us

We empower families in need to grow island food trees and plants at home. That is and remains our core mission. In pursuing this we have enlarged our vision to 'close the healing circle'  Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy Food, Healthy Persons, Healthy Community and back again to the soil , the living 'aina we all live within.  We practice regenerative agriculture through our Ma Farm, provide food trees through Food First Nursery, provide Food as Medicine Boxes of indigenous and island adapted food to patients a the Waimanalo Health Center, conduct FREE Food as Medicine Cooking Classes and anchor the Waimanalo Farmers Market provide 50% off prices to those on the SNAP/EBT and DaBux program.  We also have an "adopt a mala" program whereby groups prepare and plant out a field of Kalo and follow it through to harvest.   We love our volunteers and teach them what we have learned as well as learn from them. We also get the share our produce and sometimes a prepare Farm to Table lunch on our 3rd Saturday workday.


Health & Medicine
Food Insecurity
Community Support
Hawaiian Culture
Homelessness & Housing